
Bridges to Prosperity

Bridges to Prosperity helps isolated communities by building footbridges over impassable rivers and contributing to their socio-economic development.

Click here to visit their website

Project Location:


Bastion: Helping to help
Haiti. Photo: Collin Hughes

Description of the project:

In the last quarter of 2021, Bastion signed an agreement with B2P to design and build its Quality Management System (QMS) to guide the organization in becoming more efficient, durable, organized, and safe.
The 2021 agreement was not completed due to various circumstances. As a result, only
the first disbursement was made. This new agreement seeks to support the following phases of the quality system implementation by funding the training of Uganda’s trailbridge building ecosystem. This will be achieved by building out locally-led training programs and upskilling the government and private sector to take on the long-term ownership of trailbridge building.
To achieve this goal, B2P has signed an MoU with the Ugandan Ministry of Works and
Transport (MOWT), which includes establishing the Mount Elgon Labor Based Training Center (MELTC) in Uganda as the training center. As a result, MELTC will be able to train MOWT staff and private sector participants well into the future.


Directly the beneficiary is the organization Bridges to Prosperity, but indirectly the beneficiaries are all those communities where B2P will be able to dedicate its resources to build footbridges.

Bastion: Helping to help
Nicaragua. Photo: Collin Hughes
Bastion: Helping to Help
Rwanda. Photo: Collin Hughes






Between $10,000 to $50,000


As stated in the letter of agreement, B2P present reports twice a year. However, since our investor helps them fund their operational expenses, it is not up to us to disclose the detail of that information.

You can find a annual summary of their activities in this folder, or you can visit their website for their publicly shared annual report and financial statements.


Started: September 2023

Finished: August 2024

Footbridges help thousands of kids get to school quicker and safer
Bolivia. Photo: Collin Hughes
Bastion: Helping to help
Rwanda. Photo: Collin Hughes
Bastion: Helping to help
Nicaragua. Photo: Collin Hughes