Why partner with us?
your philanthropy advisor
We partner with organizations and private donors to support education as the keystone of social development and personal growth.
Because education requires a lot more than schools and teachers, Bastion works to support a wide range of programs, all of them necessary to guarantee an environment that promotes a good education:
- well-fed babies in well-fed families.
- means of transportation to get to school.
- access to vaccinations and health care for kids.
- proud mothers empowered by their own success.
- peaceful neighborhoods.
- sanitary infrastructure in schools and homes.
- appropriately trained teachers.
- and… any other opportunity to foster access to good education for kids.

How do we do it?
We offer services to Donors and NonProfit organizations

Contact us now...

Photo courtesy of Ouelessebougou Alliance.

Photo Courtesy of SEW. Photographers: Susan Saudek, Leslie Schuld and Elizabeth Miller

Photography courtesy of Transparencia Venezuela

Photo: Collin Hughes

Photo: Fabricio Ojeda

Photo courtesy of the CCDO

Photo courtesy of AMEV

Photo: Robert Paetz Photography

Photo: Robert Paetz Photography

Photo courtesy of Ouelessebougou Alliance.

Photo courtesy of Caracas Mi Convive

Photo courtesy of Udayan CAre