Hogar Bambi Venezuela is a private, non-profit Civil Association aimed at the comprehensive care of children and young people between 0 and 18 years of age deprived of their family environment of origin for reasons of abandonment, mistreatment, sexual abuse, indigence, extreme poverty, parental problems with the law, parents with alcoholism or drugs, among others.
Click here to visit their website
Project Location:
Caracas, Venezuela

The primary objective of the project is to provide a unique form of care to the children residing in the Bambi Enlace home.
A team of adult mentors, also known as "tías cuidadoras," provide individualized attention and assistance to help these children manage their daily routines.
The ultimate aim is to assist them in successfully transitioning back into a secure family environment.
- Sixty (60) children from 4 to 11 years old sheltered in Hogar Bambi (it is worth
mentioning that this number can vary given the nature of the population.) - 15 tías cuidadoras who will have their job and income secured during the project.
On Going
1st Agreement: May - October 2023
2nd Agreement: May - October 2024
$10,000 - $50,000
Fiscal sponsor: Bambi International Foundation
Complying with the agreement brokered by Bastion between the donors and Hogar Bambi, the organization sends quarterly reports.
You can find all the reports here (in Spanish).